From the moment we took her home she was really shy and scared of everyone. She took immediately to Ben and I and was and is still a good and protective dog. She barked and barked at strangers and didn't really want to eat. She's always listened well and is very gentle. When we moved to south Phoenix she gained a stronger will and was able to hang out all day not in her kennel. She has never been destructive, only a few random things when she's angry - or hungry (sorry pecan pie and hot dog buns). Ben always says she will let me do anything to her, and I take full advantage of that - i.e. wearing halloween wigs, putting my glasses on her, sporting scarves. She loves to fight with blankets and unfortunately sheds a lot! But she is a great snuggler and very happy dog.
She has had her share of issues, we don't really know what her previous life did to her - she has facial and arm scars to prove it. We didn't know it at the time, but she was harboring an expensive and long disease in her elbow when we picked her out - Valley Fever. Since being diagnosed almost immediatley after we got her, she has recovered really well and doesn't seem to mind the medication each day. Hey, she gets it with a bite of turkey, so who wouldn't like that?!?
Since moving back to Milwaukee she's had a dog friend - something we weren't sure would ever happen. My mom's dog Caeser and her enjoy play fighting each day, walking together, eating together and even sleeping on the same dog bed together sometimes! The best thing I've seen is her happy attitude since moving, and her enthusiasm for my parents each day - another thing we weren't sure if she'd get used to. Even yesterday, we went to my sister's house and Couver played in the backyard with her dog Indy - a dog over twice her size.
Cheers to the future Couver - it just keeps getting better.

In mom's glasses!

All rolled up!

I love grass!
Love ya Couver, Couvs, Couv, Couv-Dog, BOO!, Couv-Dog Millionaire!
I love it! Especially the dressing her up part.... Do you know anyone else who has done that? :)
ReplyDeleteNever Adam! I remember a few pippy longstocking hairdos on Maverick... and what about the do-rag when we listened to 90's rap?!?